Forward Security Accepted into the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

Forward Security Inc., a North-American company with offices in Vancouver, Toronto, and Austin, TX specializing in application & cloud security consulting, is proud to announce our acceptance into the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.

“We have been building the Eureka DevSecOps Platform on Azure, and released it recently in the Azure Marketplace,” said Farshad Abasi, Founder & CSO at Forward Security. “We are excited to strengthen our ties with Microsoft and deliver a cutting-edge DevSecOps solution. With their support, we will improve the security of applications and infrastructure for software systems in Azure and beyond.”

Microsoft for Startups is a program launched by Microsoft to support early-stage and high-growth startups in their journey to success. The program provides various resources, including technical support, business development opportunities, and access to Microsoft’s cloud services and tools.

Through Microsoft for Startups, participating startups gain access to Microsoft’s vast network of customers, partners, and investors, which can help them scale their business and reach a wider market. Startups also receive guidance and mentorship from Microsoft’s experts and industry professionals.

Additionally, Microsoft for Startups offers startups access to Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, allowing them to leverage powerful tools, infrastructure, and services to develop, deploy, and scale their applications efficiently and cost-effectively. This access includes free credits, technical training, and support to help startups build and grow their cloud-based solutions.

The program aims to empower startups with the resources, knowledge, and connections necessary to accelerate their growth, drive innovation, and succeed in the market. By partnering with Microsoft for Startups, startups can tap into the vast resources and expertise of one of the world’s leading technology companies to gain a competitive edge and achieve their business goals.

Founded in 2018, Forward’s highly accomplished team delivers Cybersecurity solutions with a focus on application and cloud security to mid-sized organizations in the Finance, Health, E-commerce, and Technology sectors. Services range from security risk assessment and pen-testing to DevSecOps and training, delivered by a team who has experience with some of the world’s largest organizations such as HSBC, Intel, HP, and Motorola all the way to medium-sized enterprises and even local start-ups.

Forward’s Security Consultants have software development backgrounds and work closely with client teams to tackle security following a systematic approach, leveraging standards-based and repeatable processes.